The Djerdap National Park stretches along the right bank of the Danube River from Golubacki grad to the dam near Sip. It spreads on 64,000 hectares and the park management office is in Donji Milanovac on the Danube.

The main feature and attraction of the Djerdap National Park's natural beauty is the Djerdap gorge - the famous Iron Gate - the grandiose gateway through the southern slopes of the Carpathian mountains where the longest and biggest river accumulation in Yugoslavia is located.

The Djerdap gorge, which is some 100 kilometers long (from Golubac to Tekija), is actually a compound river valley made up of four gorges (Gornja klisura, Gospodjin vir, Veliki and Mali kazan and Sipska klisura), separated from each other by ravines. In Gospodjin vir, one of the greatest river depths in the world has been measured (82 m). The cliffs of the canyon in Kazan are about 300 meters high while the riverbed in this part is narrowed down to 150 meters.

The territory of the national park is filled with a series of other important features: abundant and diversified animal and especially plant life, attractive surroundings and landscapes, cultural and historical monuments and other anthropogenic tourist attractions, including a lake formed by the erection of a hydroelectric power plant.

Sculpture from Lepenski VirThe national park is dotted with many natural and cultural values which are included in a special protection programme: Lepenski Vir, the 8,000-year-old archaeological site with exceptionally important traces of settlements and the life of neolithic man, the Golubacki Grad fortress, the fortress in Kladovo, forest reserves and natural monuments.

The Djerdap National Park has become one of the most visited tourist regions in Serbia especially after the construction of the dam and the formation of the large lake. The gorge and the hydroelectric power plant can be visited from Belgrade and other cities downtream from it. There are a number of tourist points in the park with hotel and other facilities, offering tourists rest and swimming and tours of the cultural and historical monuments and natural values.

National park Djerdap
19220 Donji Milanovac,
tel. +381 30 86 788.