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Prizrenski District

The PRIZRENSKI District expands in the southern part of the Republic. It encompasses the municipalities of: Suva Reka, Orahovac, Prizren, Gora i Opolje. It has a population of 376,085. Seat of the District is in the city of Prizren. The Church of the Virgin Ljeviska, in Prizren, is the endowment of king Milutin, together with the Archbishop Sava III, built in 1307.

Vicinity of Prizren is distinguished by other churches also: the Church of Holly Salvation from 1348, the Church of St. Nicholas from 1332, the Church of Prince Marko from 1371, the Assembly Church of St. George from the second half of the nineteenth century.

In the sixteenth and seventeenth century, at the time of the Turkish occupation, mosques, hammams, and medreses flowered throughout Prizren and its vicinity. The Mosque of Bajrakli Gazi Mehmed-Pasha is the earliest monument of the Islam art in Prizren. It was built in 1561, and still today it safeguards books in Arab and Turkish, including a Koran from 1312.

This is mainly an agricultural region, but also food, textile, pharmaceutical and metal industries are well developed.

District Seat ADDRESS
38400 Prizren, bb Marsala Tita St.
Tel./Fax: 029-44 127, 44 753, 44 342


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